First try on HD 149026 (known transit 0.005 mag)

HD 149026 was known to have transit.
The transit window center was predicted to be HJD 2453904.63 or June 18, 3:04 UT
I observed from 04:30 to 07:55 UT (total 3: 25) and should have detect the egress.
I searched the S&T and there were only two articles on HD 149026! So the exact time is very poorly known!
Most likely the egress occurred before x.7 JD (0.74 -0.7) and the error could be as little as 0.05 JD or 1.2 hr.
If we "think" the ingress was at 0.70 JD, then the error is (0.7-0.52)=0.18 JD or 4.3 hr!
But because we don't know the exact timing of previous transit, either way is possible.
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